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Roy is truly revered around h
“Roy is truly revered around here,” observes Cantor, “but noft or makingmoney or for business acumen. And Roy has not been a traditional‘driving force’ to build the business of the firm. It’s something else. Somethingmore important. When we were considering the link-up we’ve sincemade with Banque Nationale de Paris, Roy listened to a lot of talk aboutconcerns and complexities. Then he spoke to the partners and said he wasashamed of them. ‘This can be a great adventure. Don’t worry over the details.This will befun. It’s important. Let’s do it! ’”Roy is quick to pay respect to others. “Buffett has to be regarded as agenius. Gary Brinson is impressive. So are Peter Lynch and John Templeton.AI Hettinger was really brilliant. At one time in the early 1960s, hehad 33 percent of his own portfolio-which was about $100 million-investedin Japanese stocks. But I felt uncomfortable with selecting individualstocks in Japan so we owned 5 percent of the Japan Fund.” . . .