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It was kind of sad in a way th

It was kind of sad in a way that my actions were often misinterpreted, or my facial expressions were taken for something negative.And to be compared, to be ridiculed, or to be told of things I wished I didn't hear makes me just wonder if people closest to me, whether it's family or those who are close to me on a much deeper level, see me as someone they can dump their frustrations and emotions.Not realizing the damage or impact it may bring to my mental health and well-being. I'm strong but it doesn't make me immune to a lot of setbacks and emotions I couldn't Avoid feeling. I 'chữ m không complaining, I' m chỉ wondering. @ những JinZhan thiếu niên mới -- Sioux khi # susu phước ân phước # # chúc mừng sinh nhật # # sương sương khi mới 18 tuổi khi mới 18 Han Xi khi đến HuanYu #